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Blog Contributor Opening: Rockies Region

  News & Events

May 15, 2024 Blog Contributor Opening: Rockies Region

The beauty of campervans is the freedom they give you to get off the beaten path. We believe that while it’s great to hit all the popular landmarks on a road trip, some of the best moments come from finding that secluded “secret” beach at sunset, that hole-in-the-wall fish taco joint, and that hidden campsite with the best view.

Our staff is one of the more experienced groups when it comes to all the local know-how, but being a small team, there are only so many places we can go ourselves. So, in an effort to get the best information out there to our Escapee community, we launched a contributor program a while back with 6 blog writers: 1 from 6 different regions across the US and Canada. And we currently have an opening for a Rockies region contributor!

What we’re looking for:

Are you the local traveler all your friends turn to for trip recommendations? Are you itching to find that next waterfall to add to your repertoire of best hikes in your neck of the woods? Do you know all the best camp spots and sunset drives in your region? You’re in luck.

Our blog contributors are a diverse range of local and regional “experts”–from seasoned van lifers to adventurous first-timers; from hardcore rock climbers to nature walk lovers; from mountain bike enthusiasts to culture connoisseurs. If you know your area well, you’re a great writer, and you can take decent photos/videos, we want to hear from you! Bonus points if you have some basic SEO skills, blog best practice knowledge, and social media/photography experience. As our Rockies regional contributor, ideally you live in Colorado, Utah or the surrounding states, or you’ve spent a significant amount of time in those areas in the past.

What you gotta do:

Send us 1 blog contribution a month with 5+ photos to go along with each post. Topics will be a mix of your own ideas + specific needs we occasionally come to you with. They can include campervan road trip ideas for the Rockies region, itineraries from campervan trips you take with Escape elsewhere, tips/recommendations/resources for renters, and more!

What we’ll give you in return:

14 FREE campervan days per year!

Subject to availability. Some terms and conditions apply.

How to apply:

Email and tell us why you’d be a good contributor for the Rockies region. Attach 2-3 contribution samples for us to review (can be written specifically for this position or posts you’ve written in the past in a blog format). Check out our current blog posts for inspiration.

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