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By Care Willink

It’s the New Year and many of us have officially entered the season of “Let’s get healthy!” For those that have been talking about our health and fitness goals, or travel goals, it’s a new decade. So why not get this decade started off on the right foot by first booking that Escape Campervan trip you’ve been dreaming of?! Then follow these tips so you can stay healthy on your road trip while camping.

Ways to Exercise While on a Road Trip in a Campervan

Woman jumping in the air

Staying in great physical health while traveling requires a small commitment.

Exploring in your Escape campervan often requires a great degree of energy. Sure you can drive to cool places, but once you get there we often find ourselves with a day full of activities planned. 

Experts say that working out in the morning can increase the oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, which can give you an energy boost.  Also, a quick 14 min workout is what you may need to get that extra boost before you head out and explore. 

At the end of this article, we have listed some practical workouts anyone can do. You can even find it fun to include your kids if they are on the road with you (but watch out because those mini humans will trip you)! You can explore some of our tips for traveling with kids. Before we get into our workout, here are a few other tips to help you stay healthy while on a road trip.

4 Tips for Staying Healthy While Camping

Woman standing on a mountain

Exercise can help you start your day right and can be crucial to maintaining the energy you’ll need throughout the day.

1. Find Healthier Foods at Fast Food Establishments

  • Here is an app that can help you locate healthy eating options: Cheat Day

2. Pick Up Groceries Before Heading Out

  • Homemade food is almost always better for you than eating out

3. Stay Hydrated

4. Track Your Heart Rate

Workouts To Do While Camping

Quick 14-Min Workout You Can Do While on the Road

Do each of the following exercises for 45 seconds with 15 second breaks. Then repeat! Do each workout as many times as possible within these 45 second increments. 


Woman doing a

Touch the ground using the opposite arms to support the knee as you dip.

45 sec 3-steps Touch the GROUND

15 sec rest

Tip: Quick triple feet will give a better workout! Be sure to use the opposite arm to support the knee when you dip to the ground.  

Family exercising in the wilderness

Make sure your plank punch is as straight as a pencil.

45 sec Plank Punch – Kick

15 sec rest

Tip: Opposite arm and leg should be lifted at the same time. Be sure the plank is as straight as a pencil! 

family exercising while camping

45 sec High Kick Switch

15 sec rest

Tip: As you kick as high as possible do quick switches to keep the foot that is on the ground light for a better work out. 

45 sec Ultimate Frog Jumps

15 sec rest

Tip: Be sure when you hop up you are touching your knees. Check to make sure your ground is decently even and sturdy while doing this specific move.

woman exercising while camping

45 sec Burpees 

15 sec rest

Tip: Be sure when you get to plank position your butt is flat. This will help your workout be more effective while preventing any injury to your back.

Family exercising in the wilderness

Make sure your plank punch is as straight as a pencil.

45 sec Step up

15 sec rest

Tip: Be sure only one foot is briskly touching ground at once. Also keep your arms in a ‘light’ running position and look up as much as possible

family exercising while camping

45 sec Chair Sit Squat 

15 sec rest 

Tip: Be sure you can feel your abs and legs working. If you’re not feeling the burn you need to lower into your ‘seat’ position).

Family exercising while camping

Chair squats allow you to work out your abs and legs.

AND REPEAT! Stay Healthy On Your Next Trip

Staying in great physical health while traveling requires a small commitment but it comes with immense positive benefits!  Whether it is skiing down a mountain, hiking up a hill, walking a trail of beautiful trees, or just building campfires, getting your day started off right can be crucial to maintaining the energy you’ll need throughout the day. Reserve your Escape Campervan now and use these tips so that you can stay healthy while on your next campervan road trip.

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