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Attention All Artists: Our Newest Model Needs Your Artwork!

  Campervan Artwork, News & Events

mai 15, 2024 Attention All Artists: Our Newest Model Needs Your Artwork!

Update 5/2: Winner Announced!

Congrats to Miriam Castillo! We can’t wait to see your artwork come to life on our new Newport Campers. See her winning design below. You can also view more of her work at and @miriamcastilloart and @miriamcastillodesign.

Thanks to everyone who entered! Stay tuned for updates on the build for our new model.


Big news: we’re announcing another new camper model! This one’s a bit different for us: it’s a truck camper called the “Newport Camper” (short for “independent camper”) launching this summer. More details to come… but the first order of business is that we need new artwork!

Are YOU one of our next camper artists?

We’re launching a contest to get the best designs possible for our new camper model.

The medium: We work with incredible artists in LA to spray paint our campervans, but these campers will be wrapped instead, so you can get creative!

The design: See below for all specs of what gets wrapped and what doesn’t. Note that the truck itself will be white and will not be wrapped. Escape will own all rights to your design(s) if chosen.

The timeline: *DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 4/25!*

Deadline to enter is midnight on Thursday, 4/12. Winner(s) will be chosen and notified shortly thereafter. You’ll need to have availability over the next couple of months, as we’re rolling out the finished product early summer 2018. Unlike our regular campervan artists, you do not need to be in Los Angeles in order to be selected (all designs can be submitted digitally).

The prize: $500 cash, shout outs on Escape’s website and social media, and the pride in knowing that your designs are a part of people’s trips, traveling all over the country being seen by thousands–eventually millions–of people!

Guidelines: We rent to folks from all over the world of all different demographics, so keep your designs PG: that means no profanity, and anything offensive or political will not be considered. Be original and unique–nothing copyrighted, please. Other than that, let your imagination run wild!

Check out our Instagram feedartists page, and gallery for past artwork inspiration.

To enter: Send an email to with the following details:

  • Your name and contact info
  • Why you want to work with Escape
  • Any relevant links to your portfolio, Instagram, etc.
  • Your design mock-up attached (unlimited entries are permitted–and encouraged!)

Design Specs

Highlighted areas do not get artwork. Everything else is fair game!

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