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10 Year Anniversary Party Recap

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agosto 14, 2019 10 Year Anniversary Party Recap

Our first campervan rental was in June 2009. 10 years later, we celebrated with Escape employees, renters, and friends with an anniversary party at the Mar Vista Art Department in LA! Here are some highlights from the evening.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

We lined up our Santa Cruz, Mavericks, and Big Sur models in front of the art department on Venice Boulevard, along with artist Drew Brophy’s own hand-painted campervan.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

There were amazing people, tacos, and drinks.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

There was a 芦kids禄 table where you could color in your own campervan design. It ended up being a lot of adults drawing by the end of the night!

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

There was a silent auction of 2 campervan hoods with proceeds benefitting Inner-City Arts. They provide quality arts instruction for students from underserved communities, integrated arts workshops for educators, and programming designed for the community. Since 1989, they’ve provided a safe, creative space in LA where more than 200,000 children have been invited to create and explore.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

There was cake.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

And last but not least, there was a live campervan painting with talented longtime Escape campervan artists DJ Neff, TEWSR, King Cre8, Haste, and Drew Brophy.

Escape Camper Vans Anniversary Party Mar Vista Art Department Los Angeles

What an amazing community! Thanks to all who came 馃檪 And thank you to Ezekiel Gonzalez and Francis Mueller for the beautiful photography to capture this event!

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