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Last updated: September 24, 2020

Yosemite announces reopening date for this weekend while Kings Canyon National Park reopened yesterday See more here

The smoke is clearing and air quality in much of California is « good ».

Conditions are great for camping right now check out our specials page and stay tuned for more coming.  Enjoy the fall weather!

Air Quality california

Other Updates:

Channel Islands National Park, California

  • Channel Islands National Park mainland visitor center is closed until further notice. The five park islands are open for visitation. The NPS is closely monitoring the situation related to the novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • Scorpion Anchorage Closure During Pier Construction

Beginning November 1, 2019, there will be no public access to Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island due to the construction of a new pier. Construction is expected to take 12 – 14 month


  • Closure to Restore Scorpion Fire Burn Area at East Santa Cruz Island

The Scorpion Fire burn area of approximately 1,411 acres will be closed for restoration until further notice.
The closure includes the entire burned area that extends eastward from the Smugglers Road that leads from Scorpion Valley to Smugglers Cove. Most of the burned area extends seaward to the coastline from Smugglers Road.
The Smugglers Road will remain open to foot traffic. Boaters will not be able to access Little Scorpion Canyon from the shoreline due to the closure.
“The National Park Service is grateful for the rapid response to the Scorpion Fire by Los Padres National Forest and Santa Barbara County Fire on Santa Cruz Island,” said Channel Islands National Park Superintendent Ethan McKinley. “We are in the process of assessing and understanding resource impacts from the fire and deciding which methods are best to restore the burn area.”
There was some damage to a historic grove of cypress trees known as Delphine’s Grove.
This small grove of cypress trees was planted in the early 1900s by the oldest child of former island owner Justinian Caire. The fire did not reach the historic olive groves at Smugglers Cove.
Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island remains closed due to construction of a new pier


Death Valley National Park, California and Nevada

Park Status during COVID-19

Following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recommendations from state and local public health in consultation with NPS Public Health Service officers, Death Valley National Park is open, with some facility closures in place. The health and safety of our visitors, employees, volunteers, and partners is our number one priority. The National Park Service (NPS) is working servicewide with federal, state, and local authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.

Phased Reopening Plans

Reopening areas of the park are dependant on local, state, and national guidance. Updates will be posted on this website and will follow the Death Valley National Park Phased Reopening Plans.

Current Closures and Conditions

Roads, Trailheads & Overlooks

OPEN: all regularly open park roads, trailheads and overlooks. Examples: Dantes View, Zabriskie Point, Badwater Basin, Artist’s Drive, Devils Hole, Ubehebe Crater, Racetrack, Mesquite Dunes, Salt Creek, Devil’s Golf Course, Harmony Borax, 20 Mule Team Canyon, Darwin Falls, Father Crowley Vista, Emigrant, Wildrose, Telescope Peak, and all unpaved roads.

CLOSED: Bonnie Claire road and Scotty’s Castle remain closed due to 2015 flood damage. The Saline Valley Warm Spring soaking tubs remain closed to entry.


OPEN: Furnace Creek, Emigrant, Mesquite Spring, Saline, Eureka, Homestake, Wildrose, Thorndike, and Mahogany campgrounds are open. Dispersed camping is available where permitted.

CLOSED: Group campsites are closed through the end of the year. Texas Springs, Sunset, and Stovepipe Wells campgrounds are closed for the summer.

Fire Restrictions

All campfires and most other uses of open flame are PROHIBITED due to high fire danger. This restriction includes all campgrounds. More information can be found in the order notification.

Visitor Centers

CLOSED: The Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells visitor centers are closed until further notice. Bookstore items are available for purchase in the multi-purpose room adjacent to the Furnace Creek Visitor Center. Note: entrance fees are required and can be paid by debit/credit card at automated pay kiosks or at You may also purchase your entrance fees at the Furnace Creek Campground Kiosk on any Friday through Sunday in September, 9 am to 4:30 pm.


Joshua Tree National Park, California

Joshua Tree National Park is modifying operations to support federal, state, and local efforts to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We are working to increase access to the park in a phased approach.


  • Park entrances and entrance booths
  • Roads and parking lots
  • Trails
  • Family campsites, aka individual sites. Campers should pay for their campsite as normal, following instructions at each campground.
  • Most bathroom facilities
  • Visitor center bookstores and information desks
  • Group campsites

Cancellations and Closures

  • Museum and exhibit portions will be temporarily closed in the following facilities
    • Oasis of Mara Visitor Center, bookstore and information desk remain open
    • Joshua Tree Visitor Center, bookstore and information desk remain open
    • Cottonwood Visitor Center, bookstore and information desk remain open
    • Black Rock Nature Center, bookstore and information desk remain open
  • All park ranger programs
  • Campsite reservations on All campsites are first-come, first-served until Sept. 4, 2020.


Lassen Volcanic National Park, California

Lassen Volcanic National Park is Open.

Please review current closures, restrictions, and seasonal information:

  • Learn more about visiting in the fall.
  • Smoke from nearby wildfires is visible in the park and conditions vary from day to day. Learn more about air quality in the park.
  • A fire restriction is in effect. All campfires and open flames are prohibited park-wide due to severe fire danger. Gas stoves, lanterns, and generators are permitted.
  • Warner Valley, Juniper Lake, and Butte Lake Campgrounds are closed for the 2020 summer/fall season due to severe wildfire danger. Learn more.
  • Demand for campsites is likely to be higher than normal due to a temporary closure of dispersed camping (camping outside of developed campgrounds) on all National Forests in California on 9/21, including Lassen National Forest, which surrounds the park. Reservations are highly recommended; learn more about camping.
  • Popular trailhead parking areas can fill up by mid-morning. This includes Bumpass HellKings Creek Falls, and Hat Creek. Plan to arrive early and have one or more alternative trails if parking is unavailable. Trailheads with limited parking are identified with a [P] on the trail conditions page.
  • Bumpass Hell Trail is open and busy. Consider an alternative such as Sulphur Works or one of the numerous hikes to hydrothermal areas in the Warner Valley Area. If you still plan to hike the trail, please wear a face covering when passing others and in other situations where a 6-foot distance cannot be maintained.
  • A closure on Manzanita Lake prohibits swimming, wading, and the use of soft-sided flotation devices. Hard-sided boats may be used on the lake except in an area along the western shore that is closed to all use.
  • backcountry camping closure is in place on the east side of the park due to a bear obtaining food from campers. Backpackers must obtain a free permit and store all scented items and food in a NPS-approved, bear-resistant container.

Pinnacles National Park, California

Park Closure

  • Temporary Closure of Park Trails and West Unit of Park

Due to the inundation of the national wildfire response system, lack of trained wildland firefighting staff, and severe fire danger, implementing a temporary closure of the west side of the park and all trails except for the Bench and the Sycamore Trails.

  • Temporary Operational Guidelines due to COVID-19

The park has implemented modifications to operations to support federal, state and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.more

  • Climbing Closure on Machete Ridge

Climbing routes on Machete Ridge are temporarily closed to protect wildlife. See for more details.more


  • Canine Distemper Found in Gray Fox at Pinnacles

If you see an animal that is dead, sick, or acting strangely, report it to park staff immediately. As always, please enjoy wildlife from a safe distance. See our news release for ways to protect your pet and park wildlife.more

  • Fire Danger VERY HIGH

Campfires and charcoal grills are prohibited throughout the park. Self-contained propane stoves may still be used at this time. No smoking on trails.


  • Expect Delays on East Entrance Road

Starting July 7, 2020, there will be construction on the east side entry road. Expect delays up to 15 minutes for the first 2 weeks of construction. The work will take place Monday through Thursday from 6:00 am to 4:30 pm and continue through October.


Temporary Operational Guidelines

The park has implemented modifications to operations to support federal, state and local efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Due to Covid-19 and delays in hiring, some departments at Pinnacles are short staffed. As we transition to new staff, please excuse any delayed responses to voice messages, emails, mail requests, or social media messages. We will get back to you as soon as we can!
Updated: 8/14/2020

Weather Forecast

Check the current weather forecast for Pinnacles National Park from the National Weather Service

Fire Danger


Wood and charcoal fires (including wood-burning stoves) are prohibited in the park.

Gas and propane stoves are permitted.

No smoking on trails.

Talus Cave Closure Status

Both the Bear Gulch and Balconies Caves are subject to closures due to Townsends big eared bat activity or dangerous conditions such as high water during and after storms. Check here for the current Talus Cave Status.

Climbing Advisory And Closure Status

The cliffs and crags at Pinnacles National Park are subject to advisories and closures due to falcons and other sensitive raptor species breeding at the park from January to July every year. Check here for the current Raptor Advisory Status.


Redwood National Park, California

Park is open with some area’s closed

Current Fire Restrictions and Air Quality Conditions:

Closures and Prohibited Activities

  • Howland Hill Road is open to emergency evacuation traffic only
  • Highway 199 is open with intermittent closures due to fire activity. Current Highway Information: California | Oregon

Smoke and Air Quality

Nearby fires can impact air quality within the park. Have an alternative plan in case air quality is diminished due to smoke.

For the latest air quality readings, please see the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map.

Nearby Wildfires

There are currently no fires within Redwood National and State Parks.

The following fires are burning to the east of Redwood National and State Parks:

Slater Fire – see the Inciweb page for more information on this fire

Red Salmon Complex – see the Inciweb page for more information on this fire

For more information about fires and fire management in Redwood National and State Parks, please see our Fire Management page.


Redwood National and State Parks are ever-changing—knowing the current conditions will help to ensure a more enjoyable redwood adventure.


Visitor Centers
For information about visitor centers, locations, contact information and services, click here.

  • Thomas H. Kuchel Visitor Center (Orick, Calif.) Modified operations are in place. Retail, information, and restrooms are available.
  • Hiouchi Visitor Center (Hiouchi Calif.) Modified operations are in place. Retail, information, and restrooms are available.
  • Jedediah Smith Visitor Center (Jed. Smith Campground) is CLOSED
  • Crescent City Information Center (Crescent City, Calif.) is CLOSED
  • Prairie Creek Visitor Center (6 miles north of Orick, Calif.) Modified operations are in place. Retail, information, and restrooms are available.


Developed Campgrounds
For general campground information and reservations, click here.

  • Jedediah Smith Campground is OPEN
  • Mill Creek Campground is OPEN
  • Elk Prairie Campground is OPEN
  • Gold Bluffs Beach Campground is OPEN


Roads & Highways
For directions to Redwood National and State Parks, click here. Also be sure to check-out our recommended scenic drives.

Please visit for information about the Last Chance Grade Project on US 101 in Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park.

  • Howland Hill Road: West of Boyscout Tree Trail is open to emergency traffic only. The eastern portion from Boy Scout Tree Trail to the junction of 199 is OPEN.
  • Newton B. Drury Scenic ParkwayOPEN
  • Cal-Barrel RoadCLOSED to vehicles. This is a beautiful gravel road to walk under the redwoods with your leashed pets.
  • Davison RoadOPEN. No trailers and no vehicles wider than 8-feet or 24-feet long will be able to drive on any part of Davison Road west of the Elk Meadow Day Use Area. Note: In 2020 forest restoration crews will be working along this road.
  • Gold Bluffs Beach Road: OPEN. High clearance vehicles recommended. This gravel road has two stream crossings and low clearance vehicles going to Fern Canyon have a high chance of getting stuck or scraping along the stream cobbles. In winter and spring this road often is temporarily closed due to flooding or landslides. Closures happen with little or no warning, and there may be a delay before closures are posted on the « park conditions / alerts » webpage.
  • Bald Hills Road is OPEN (tire chains and four-wheel drive are recommended during the winter as the road is often not plowed)
  • Coastal Drive Loop is OPEN
  • Tall Trees Access Road is OPEN. A free permit is required to access Tall Trees Access Road. During COVID19 phased operations, online Tall Trees permits are being issued.
  • Gold Bluffs Environmental Camp Road: will be closed from June 15th – Nov 30th 2020 for forest restoration work.



Trails that have current impacts or restrictions
For general hiking and trail information, click here.

  • Mill Creek Trail from the Howland Hill Road to Smith River is closed until summer 2021 for the Grove of the Titans project.
  • Tall Trees Trail is OPEN. During COVID19 phased operations, online Tall Trees permits will be issued.
  • Damnation Creek Trail is OPEN but not all the way to the beach. Beyond the bridge 1.75 miles from the trailhead, the trail is closed.
  • The Rhododendron Trail between Brown Creek Trail and South Fork Trail is currently closed. This means the Brown Creek-Rhododendron-South Fork loop is not an option.
  • The year-round bridge over Bond Creek on the Redwood Creek Trail (~5 miles upstream from Redwood Creek Trailhead and ~2 miles downstream from Tall Trees Grove) is closed due to damage. As such, you will need to take a detour to get around this bridge. You can walk on the Redwood Creek Gravel Bar or there is a trail detour in place as well. Please contact (707) 464-6101 or inquire at any visitor center for the latest information.
  • Seasonal footbridges have been installed along the upper part of Redwood Creek Trail.
  • Seasonal footbridges from Stout Grove to the Jedediah Smith Campground have been removed.
  • Seasonal footbridges at Fern Canyon have been removed.
  • Seasonal footbridges on the Praire Creek Nature Trail have been removed.
  • Parts of the Mill Creek Horse Trail is closed until late 2020 due to bridge and road repair in the Mill Creek Watershed Day Use Area.
  • Hamilton Road in the Mill Creek area is closed until November 2020 for Redwoods Rising restoration.


Backcountry Camps

For general backcountry camping information and to download the Redwood National and State Parks Backcountry Trip Planner, click here. Please understand and use Leave No Trace ethics and practices when in any backcountry.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, while our visitor centers are closed we are temporarily using an online system for issuing backcountry permits.

  • Little Bald Hills is OPEN
  • DeMartin is OPEN
  • Flint Ridge is CLOSED
  • Gold Bluffs is OPEN
  • Elam Creek is OPEN
  • 44 Camp is OPEN but there are no toilets. Campers should follow Leave No Trace guidelines by burying human waste and packing out used toilet paper.
  • Redwood Creek (dispersed camping) is OPEN Campers should follow Leave No Trace guidelines by burying human waste and packing out used toilet paper. When planning a backcountry trip along Redwood Creek, please know the current conditions of creek flow, crossing dangers, and availability of exposed gravel bars suitable for camping.


Sequoia National Park, California

  • Air Quality Advisory

Due to high levels of particulate matter from fires burning in the region, air quality advisory levels are currently ranging from Unhealthy to Hazardous.more

Park Closure

  • Sequoia National Park Closed

Sequoia National Park is closed due to neighboring wildfire, evacuation notices, and hazardous air quality.more


  • Extreme Fire Danger-Charcoal and Wood Fires Prohibited

Fire danger is extremely high. No smoking outside of vehicles. Wood and charcoal fires (including wood-burning stoves) are now prohibited throughout the parks, including all campgrounds.more





Yosemite National Park, California


  • Smoke from regional wildfires is causing unhealthy to hazardous quality in Yosemite

Monitor air quality conditions for recommendations. When air quality is hazardous, everyone should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone may experience burning eyes, a runny nose, cough, phlegm, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.more

Park Closure

  • Yosemite National Park is closed due to unhealthy to hazardous air quality until September 25

Through traffic is allowed; visitors must remain with their vehicle. The park is closed to recreation. Yosemite will reopen on Friday, September 25 (reservations required).


Crater Lake National Park, Oregon

  • Smoke from Fires Outside the Park is Impacting Air Quality and Visibility

Although no fires are burning in the park, your visit may be affected by smoke from surrounding fires. Over the past few weeks, air quality and visibility in the park have ranged from good to very poor depending on the wind direction and fire activity.

Park Closure

  • Pinnacles Road is Closed

The Pinnacles Road is closed until further notice due to downed trees. All other park roads are open.

  • Some Services Reduced Due to COVID-19

The park is open, but some facilities are currently closed, including the park’s two visitor centers. Boat tours and other ranger-led activities are not being offered.


Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

Public access is based upon updated risk assessments and staffing availability. Visitors are encouraged to #Recreate Responsibly. The safety of our park visitors, employees and partners remains Mount Rainier National Park’s top priority.

Latest News ReleaseMount Rainier National Park Summer 2020 Operations Update, 7/28/20


Following guidance from the CDC and recommendations from state and local public health authorities in consultation with NPS Public Health Service Officers, the following facilities and services are suspended until further notice:


  • Park visitor centers. Look for rangers at outdoor information stations near the visitor centers.
  • The Paradise Inn; visit for updates on Inn operations.
  • Sunrise Day Lodge closed for the winter season.


  • Restrooms and trailheads throughout open road corridors.
  • Most park roads. See Road Status for details. Some park roads are closed for maintenance or due to normal winter season closures.
  • The park backcountry is accessible for dispersed recreation such as hiking and backcountry camping. Walk-up wilderness permits will not be issued until the Wilderness Information Centers reopen. All permits must be obtained in advance. Self-registration is now closed.
  • Cougar Rock, Ohanapecosh, & White River Campgrounds are open. All loops are open. Some sites remain closed for the 2020 summer season due to hazard trees. Campground operations may change at any time throughout the summer due to required COVID-19 mitigations. See campground page for more information.
  • The National Park Inn in Longmire for overnight guests. Hot grab and go food is available through the dining room. Visit for updates on Inn operations.
  • Longmire General Store providing gifts and grab-and-go food options.
  • Climbing and upper mountain recreation to the summit. Check the climbing page for more information, including an update on the Disappoint Cleaver route.

Updates to this temporary closure will be posted here and on Twitter @MountRainierNPS.

All regulations concerning backcountry access use apply. Check updates on obtaining backcountry and climbing permits and  learn about  safe recreation in the park.

People visiting the park’s backcountry during this pandemic should adhere to guidance from the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  and state and local public health authorities to protect visitors and employees. As services are limited, visitors should practice  Leave No Trace principles, including pack-in and pack-out, to keep outdoor spaces safe. Visitors are urged to  plan ahead,  hike smart,  pack the Ten Essentials, and have an  emergency plan. Consider learning CPR and basic wilderness first aid, especially if you are planning to hike in the backcountry.


Nrth Cascades National Park, Washington

  • No Campfires

Campfires or the ignition of wood, briquettes, or any fuel in fire pits, fire pans, and grills are banned on all NPS lands and campgrounds within North Cascades National Park Complex. Stove or grills solely fueled by liquid petroleum fuels are allowed.

Park Closure

  • Phased reopening – some locations closed due to COVID-19

The park complex is increasing recreational access for overnight use. Visitor centers and group campsites remain closed. As of July 12, 2020, the Cascade River Road is open to the trailhead.


  • Be Aware of Break-ins along State Route 20

Prevent smashed windows and theft. Break-ins are not uncommon at trailheads along State Route 20. Remove your valuables and electronics and take associated electronic cords.

  • Fluctuating Lake Levels

Gorge, Diablo and Ross lakes are reservoirs with changing water levels. The lakes are generally at full pool from July-September. Boat launches and docks may be difficult to access at low water levels.


Olympic National Park, Washington


  • East Beach Road at Lake Crescent Closed at Hwy 101 Due to Debris Hazards from Wildland Fire

Log Cabin Resort accessible via Hwy 112 to Joyce-Piedmont Rd. Fire is 98% contained and in patrol status. Occasional smoke will likely continue until heavy rainfall in the autumn months. Debris continues to come down off the steep slope onto the road.

Park Closure

  • Staircase Area and Campground Closure

Due to the closure of Forest Road 24 outside the park boundary to vehicles and pedestrians, the Staircase area, campground, and trailheads are closed until further notice. The closure of Forest Road 24 is for public safety

  • Coastal Closures: Shi Shi Beach, Second Beach

Tribal Closures: Makah Reservation including Shi Shi Beach Trailhead ( is closed to the general public. The Quileute Reservation including Second Beach Trailhead is closed to the general public.

  • Spruce Railroad Trail at Lake Crescent Closed for Construction

The final phase of work on the trail will be completed by Oct/Nov 2020. The trail is closed to all use for public safety due to heavy equipment and truck traffic. Devil’s Punchbowl is only accessible by boat


  • Phased reopening – some locations closed due to COVID-19

We are working to increase access to the park in a phased approach. All park roads and campgrounds are now open. Park staff are available outside visitor centers daily. Check Alerts & Conditions webpage (more) for updates

  • Changes to Wilderness Backpacking Permits for 2020 Season – No Self-Registration Available

In response to COVID-19 pandemic, several changes are in place for 2020 season. Permits must be obtained in advance. No self-registration available for remainder of 2020. Permits reservable online at More info on Wilderness Camping webpage

  • Park Concessions Operating Status and Season Schedule

Please visit the concession websites for updates on operating status and closing schedules. Kalaloch Lodge info at See « More » link below for Aramark concessions (Lake Crescent Lodge, Log Cabin, & Sol Duc Resort)

  • Expect delays on Hwy 101 at Lake Crescent 9/28 – 10/31

Culvert installation at La Poel Creek. Expect flaggers controlling alternating single-lane traffic in the work zone during work hours. Traffic signals will be in place outside work hours and on weekends.

Glacier National Park, Montana

Glacier National Park is Partially Open

Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Glacier National Park closed the park to visitors on March 24, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The park began increasing recreational access and services on a limited basis on June 8. Vehicles may access Logan Pass and Rising Sun from the West Entrance. There is no access to St. Mary, and vehicles need to turn around at Rising Sun and return to West Glacier. There is no gasoline available in the park. Please see the map shown on this page for details on which areas are open and which areas remain closed.

What’s Open and What’s Closed

Entrance to the Going-to-the-Sun Road is available 24-hours a day, between West Glacier and Rising Sun. Other areas (Belly River, Many Glacier, Cut Bank, and Two Medicine) of the east side of the park, from the Continental Divide to the park boundary, remain closed to all access. No entrance to the park is permitted from the east side.

Areas along the Going-to-the-Sun Road are experiencing heavy visitation. Expect limited parking and occasional access restrictions. Access restrictions will be implemented when parking areas become full or when congestion warrants.

Areas of the North Fork, including the roads to Kintla and Bowman Lakes are open. Expect temporary closures at the Polebridge Ranger Station, due to full parking lots and congestion.

There are restrictions for bicycles on sections of Going-to-the-Sun Road during certain hours. See for details.

The Fish Creek Campground closed for the season on September 7, 2020.

On September 25th Loop B of the Apgar Campground will open for first-come, first served primitive camping. There will be no water available and only vault toilets. Loop B will remain open for primitive camping through the winter.
Between September 7 and September 25 there will be no camping availalbe in the park.

Lake McDonald is currently the only lake open to boating. The Aquatic Inspection Station is open at Apgar from 9am-7pm. All watercraft must be cleaned thoroughly before coming to inspection station. Please review the park’s website regarding watercraft prior to arrival.

Visitors should come prepared and follow all CDC and local health guidance by practicing good hygiene and social distancing. Face coverings are recommended where social distancing is not possible. People who are sick should stay home and not visit the park. The CDC has provided specific guidance on visiting parks and recreational facilities.

Lodges, Restaurants, and Other Services

Glacier’s concessioners and Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA) holders continue to make difficult decisions concerning how to adapt operations for this coming summer while prioritizing guest and employee safety. Visitors should contact the concessioners individually to keep abreast of changing operations.

Boat Tours and Rentals
Glacier Park Boat Company is suspending all boat tour and small boat rental operations for the 2020 season.

Waterton Inter-Nation Shoreline Cruises operates out of Waterton Lakes National Park in Canada. Boat landings at Goat Haunt will not be permitted in 2020.

Glacier National Park Lodges has announced the delayed opening of their lodging, food service, and gift shop operations in the park. Lake McDonald Lodge and the Village Inn are currently open. The Lake McDonald Lodge lobby and restrooms are closed to day-use visitors. Food service is take-out only. Order on lakeside exterior of building. Bar and Lodge gift shop are closed

Granite Park and Sperry Chalets plan to open as previously scheduled. They will be open to overnight guests only. Prior to the full opening of the Going-to-the-Sun Road, guests of Granite Park Chalet will be shuttled to the Loop and will access the chalet via the Loop Trail.

The following lodging locations will not operate in 2020.

  • Rising Sun Motor Inn
  • Many Glacier Hotel – lodging, food service and gift shop
  • Swiftcurrent Motor Inn and Campstore

Bus Tours
Sun Tours and Glacier National Park Lodges Red Bus Tours will not operate this summer.

Restaurants, Campstores, Food Service and Gift Shops
Food service throughout the park will be limited.

  • In Apgar there is a campstore with limited grocery supplies, gift shops, recreational equipment rental, and a restaurant.
  • Food service at Lake McDonald Lodge is take-out only and is served from the lake side patio. The Campstore at Lake McDonald Lodge is open. Staff will regulate access to maintain social distancing. No self-serve food items.
  • The Rising Sun Campstore is open.Take out food service is available at the Two Dog Flats Grill.
  • The campstore at Two Medicine will not operate in 2020.

Horseback Rides
Swan Mountain Outfitters began horseback rides at Apgar on June 13 and at Lake McDonald corral on June 20. The Many Glacier Corral will not operate this summer. Contact them for dates of service.

Guided Hiking Trips
Glacier Guides is providing guided hiking and camping as trail systems and backcountry campgrounds access allows. Day hikes started on June 12 and overnight trips on June 26.

Trails and Backcountry Camping

Check the Trail Status page for updates on open and closed trails.

  • Trails on the west side of the park are open including the Highline Trail, Loop Trail, Sperry Chalet Trail, and the Gunsight Lake trail.
  • Trails in the Many Glacier and Two Medicine Valleys are not open this summer. Those trails include the popular Grinnell Glacier, Iceberg Lake, Cracker Lake, Cobalt Lake, Dawson/Pitamaken Pass, and Scenic Point trails.

Due to current and anticipated staffing and operational limitations related to the COVID19 outbreak, combined with the uncertainty of trail and backcountry campground openings, all advance backcountry advance reservations were cancelled. Advance reservation applicants were notified of the cancellations, and their application fees were refunded. The park will not accept or process advance reservations for backcountry camping for the remainder of 2020.

There will be no undesignated camping permits or advance reservations for the 2020 summer season. All backcountry permits will be obtained using the first come, first served walk-in system.

Permits are available on the west side at Apgar Permit Center from 8am-4pm.
Please use some of our online planning tools ahead of time to speed your permit process along. The main 
Backcountry Camping page has complete instructions for planning and obtaining a permit. Also, the « What’s Available Tonight » page will show you which campgrounds are open and which ones are still closed.

Masks or cloth face coverings are strongly encouraged to be worn while inside backcountry permit office. Backcountry staff will be wearing them out of respect for public health. Physical distancing guidelines will be observed at all backcountry permit offices, which may result in longer wait times and/or lines outside the office buildings. A maximum of four people will be allowed in the backcountry office at any time. Any additional party members may join the group for a safety briefing outdoors after a permit is obtained.

Additional potential health risks must be assumed for overnight backcountry trips, ex. shared pit toilets and food prep areas in all campgrounds. Please consult the park website for further information on preparedness before embarking on a backcountry trip.

Cancellation of backcountry permit advance reservations will not impact day use of trails.


Yellowstone National Park, Idaho, Montana & Wyoming


Limited services this summer

Limited services and facilities are available in the park. Check the Operating Hours and Seasons page for additional information.  )There is a link to the webpage but it is a huge table and I cannot copy and paste it to fit) Nearly everything is closed for 2020.


Traffic delays around Old Faithful

A structural issue has been identified with the Old Faithful overpass and has been closed. A new four-way intersection has been put into place south of the overpass. All traffic is being routed there. Expect delays.


Tower-Roosevelt to Canyon over Dunraven Pass Closed

The road between Tower-Roosevelt and Canyon Junction is currently closed. Trails to the top of Mount Washburn are also closed.



September 19, 2020

Air quality is improving across the west coast. With recent rain and more rain expected through the weekend, skies are clearing and air quality out of LA, SF, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver is now listed as good or moderate (ranging from 10 to 84 on the AQI scale, compared to in the 400 and 500 range earlier this week). Track air quality status here.

In an effort to address those affected by the fires and offer flexibility, we want to create an opportunity to help those that need to leave until things get better. For a limited time, we will offer our customers near one of these affected areas (LA, San Francisco, Portland, Denver, Seattle) a discounted « relief package » for a campervan rental that includes 2 free extras, like a bedding kit and kitchen kit (limitations apply, rooftop sleeper ineligible, maximum up to $80 in value).  We will also waive one-way fees should you choose to start your trip in LA or San Francisco and drop off the van in Las Vegas. Save up to $150.  If you find yourself needing respite, please call our reservations experts at 877-270-8267 and ask for the « Wildfire Relief Package. » They will be happy to help.


Official Wildfire Resources

Here are some resources we are using to stay-in-the-know about the current situation.  Please let us know if there are others you have found helpful as well.  We hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy in the coming months.


Wildfire and Smoke Conditions near National Parks and Monuments

Below are links to current conditions and alerts at national parks and monuments. Please note that not all of these parks are affected by the wildfires, but may have smoke warnings, red flag warnings or fire restrictions in place.


Tips for Traveling Now and Itineraries to Escape the Smoke

Here are ideas and resources about how and where you can travel to with our vans enjoy the outdoors during this unprecedented wildfire season.


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